
No, I'm not naming the seven dwarfs, I'm describing how I feel right now. I have a week and a half left of classes and finals, and I have three more days of tutoring. I woke up this morning thinking, "This is the last Monday I have to wake up early to go tutor...yay". While I love tutoring, I certainly do not love having to wake up early. After next week's classes end.......I get to start again in June...not so yay, but I have only one more class to take before I earn my AA and transfer to a four year college. Unfortunately, the four year college of my choosing (a choice made out of the convenience of its proximity to where I live) does not accept mid-year transfers. So, I'm left a whole year without classes, tutoring, or schooling to work on whatever I choose. I'm trying to think of what I might do with the time. I'll still be working at my current job, but I'm so used to having my time filled that I know I'll start going a little stir crazy. I'll of course continue belly dancing, and my instructor is going to teach me to dance with fire (something I've wanted to do for a while now). I've also thought about picking massage up again. I loved massage, but after having shoulder and back problems I had to put it on hold...I'm feeling better and thinking about starting that again. Whatever I do, I want to enjoy my time, because once I'm back in school earning my degree, my time will disappear quickly. Well, hi ho, hi ho it's off to work I go....


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