Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

We are granted LIFE
with every breath we take
with every day we wake up
and open our eyes
once our feet touch the floor
we live and move and have our being
with every thought
with every prayer
with every word

We are granted LIBERTY
we have the freedom of thought
we have the freedom of speech
we have the freedom to come together
and unite
for a belief
for a cause
for each other

We are not granted HAPPINESS
we are given the ability to pursue it
it is not guaranteed
the secret lies in being thankful
for everything that you have been blessed with
gratitude will lead to contentment
contentment will lead to happiness
happiness is something we all chase after
some of us know where true happiness lies
we are willing to share it
we are willing to spread it
we are willing to teach it

We live in a country where we have inalienable rights...meaning they cannot be taken away. These are the basic rights guaranteed to everyone.

....and then there is Love
We are granted love
from our Creator
from our family
from our friends
from ourselves
we must remember that
love is: patient, kind, it never boasts
it is not envious, it is not proud
it always protects
it always defends
love is what remains
it is greater than faith
it is greater than hope

Rebecca Truman
May 1, 2010


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