Changes and Frustrations and Excitement.........Oh my!

Well, today is my last day of tutoring, and it feels bittersweet. I feel happy that I'm finishing up my classes, but I'll definitely miss the kids. I thought I only had one more class to complete in order to finish my AA degree in Elementary Education, but I found out last night that I actually have four more classes to complete. I guess I won't be getting that one year break from school like I thought. I checked the Summer and Fall class schedules and they're insane (not a rant, just a fact). They have the oddest schedules, meaning: they don't mesh with mine. I am really looking forward to the end of the month. I get to visit my "sister from another mister"--Daniella and check out Folklife for the first time! I'm so excited! (notice the exclamation marks :D )

Hope you have a super duper day!


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