
Darkness descends
as my fingers fly across the keyboard
I am surrounded by the night
I can feel the gentle breeze lay its cool hands on my neck
thoughts begin to swirl within my head
thinking of why you asked me those questions...
why do you even care?
what is it to you?
you must have deeper feelings than I thought
or else why would you even care what my reasons were
you frustrate me because you won't come out and just say what you really want to
what you really should
maybe because you know my answer already
maybe you fear the rejection that is to come
do I really want you to express your desires
no, because I don't want to hurt you with my refusal
but these questions that you asked
they had nothing to do with you
they had no effect on you
yet you still insisted on answers
these were questions that should never have mattered
questions that did not require answers
but I still gave them
because it was in my nature

Rebecca Truman
July 22, 2010


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