The Letter

So I sit here thinking of you
of how far you've come
but also of how far you have to go
you've changed so much over the years
but ultimately, you've kept your essence
it's grown stronger through the years
your sense of self has come full circle
as a child you didn't worry about who you were
you were oblivious to the outside world and it's influences
as you grew the outside world began to take hold
and now as you've learned that this world is flawed
and not to be trusted
you've come back to your core
stumbling along the way
but coming back just the same
the journey is not over
but you're headed in the right direction
you abandoned those destructive circles long ago
those circles that led back to nothing but failure
thank you for not giving up
thank you for realizing that you were worth the fight
thank you for taking those brave steps forward


Rebecca Truman
July 15, 2010


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