You Came to Me Like a Whisper

Man Spreading Arms in Wind --- Image by © Poppy Berry/zefa/Corbis
You came to me like a whisper,
I barely knew you were there,
But you remained as steady as the earth.
You rose up before me like a mountain,
Bursting toward the sky.
You eclipsed all the others beckoning for my attention.
You were gentle and loving,
Your strength was subdued.
You remained, while all the others fell away, one by one.
You became a bright star, illuminating my darkest night.
You invaded every dream, every thought, and every hope that came my way.
I could not resist your request for my heart,
And I gave it freely, knowing that you would be selfless and kind.
You would shelter me from harm.
You would be my fire and light my way.
You came to me like a whisper,
I barely knew you were there.
Rebecca Truman © 2010
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