The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie I Ever Ate! (Link to the recipe included)

When you read an article in The New York Times about the best chocolate chip cookie recipes, and they have an adapted recipe from the famous French chocolate master Jacques Torres, you take notice. It was like I had found the Holy Grail of chocolate chip cookie recipes. I studied the recipe like I would religious text from the Dead Sea Scrolls. I knew I just HAD to try this recipe, but that meant I had to buy some ingredients that I would not normally buy, i.e. cake flour, and bread flour. I weighed the pros and cons of the purchase of these items and decided to buy the cake flour and use all purpose flour instead of bread flour. Would the cookies turn out the same, or had I just committed some cardinal sin and compromised the entire recipe? Then I saw that the recipe also called for chocolate disks or feves. While I could have purchased mine directly from the master (Jacques), I decided that bittersweet chocolate chips would do just fine. Once I had all of my ingredients I set to testing this heavenly recipe. I followed the steps as if I were performing some culinary witchcraft. Mixing, Measuring, Stirring, and then the most important step, Waiting! Yes, your dough must rest for a minimum of 24 hour. The longer your dough rests, the better. The reason for this is so that the egg gets fully absorbed into the dough. I can't tell you how crucial this step is. It's amazing, but true. Then when you go to scoop your cookie dough, you scoop 3.5 ounces of dough for each cookie! Yes, you heard me correctly, 3.5 ounces, roughly the size of a golf ball. I know you're probably thinking, "but that is too much dough. The cookies will not cook properly, and you'll have a burnt outer layer with a gooey center." Have no fear, these cookies will bake perfectly at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes. I used a food scale to weigh my dough in order to create the perfectly weighed out mound. I carefully weighed out my dough, sprinkled each dough ball with just a touch of kosher salt, said a prayer for their safety, and then shoved them into the fiery furnace. I took a peek at them after the 18 minute mark just to see how they were doing. They were beautiful (if a cookie can be beautiful and I believe they can). I removed my perfectly baked cookies from the oven and transferred them to the cooling rack. The true test would be the taste. Oh, wow! These cookies transported me to a whole other dimension. They were spectacular! My favorite in fact, and the only chocolate chip cookie recipe I use. Everyone is always mystified by the size of the cookies and the fact that they are perfectly baked. "How do you do that?", they ask. "Magic!", I reply.


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