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I can see clearly now....
Day 3 and my caffeine headache is GONE! Today is the best day thus far on this journey. My energy is up and I’m feeling clearer mentally and physically. I did a morning juice yesterday and today, but ate my veggies and fruits the rest of the day. I also incorporated whole grains yesterday with brown and wild rice. I found myself craving fish yesterday and fixed a salmon patty for lunch today. It was so satisfying. Weight loss was not my main goal in doing this reboot, but I have lost a total of 5 lbs. over the past two days. My main goal was health. I had my very first gallbladder attack in December and that really scared me. I’ve also been feeling a bit…I don’t know…sluggish. I will drink coffee, but only occasionally, not daily like before. My favorite juice on this reboot was my pear cobbler juice. It consisted of 2 pears, 1 red apple and 2 handfuls of blueberries. It was pear heaven! I think 3 days of only juice turned out to be too much too soon. It was overwhelming. I made some adjustments to stay on my reboot and they worked for me, and I think that’s what counts. I love how I’m feeling and it’s only been 3 days. Here’s to continued health!
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