Since today is all about play I decided to post a little word play.  Enjoy!

There are other things that occupy my time
eating away at my ability to create rhymes
as the ink from my pen ceases to write lines
paper cannot always be my friend
waiting to save me around the corners that bend
my mind into varying degrees
of empathy
lacking the patience to articulate
at a faster rate
and so I hesitate
not wanting to invite hate
or anything else lacking beauty
these words do not come from my soul
they play a different role
I play with words creating my own reality
one in which only I can see
but you think you can catch me
but I'm faster than you could ever be
and so you weave your pretty words
into canvas that stretches across my horizon
and I float away at the beauty of your reality
the world in which you live and dream in
we stare at each other in awe
wanting what the other has
spinning away at more complex thoughts
and mind-blowing concepts
that never cease to amaze!
Rebecca Truman
April 7, 2010 ©



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